Monday, August 27, 2012

The Perfect Crime

Lets commit the perfect crime
I'll steal your heart, and you'll steal mine...

It seems that crime was already committed
Can forbidden lust of two souls be swiftly acquitted?

From here we vow to just let go
What could have been, we'll never know.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I have so many thoughts that I want to express
It's like wearing a straight-jacket when you want to undress
Creating confusion, emotions a mess
Holding it in and producing duress

Then there's the need to feel your warm touch
To hug you and kiss you and hold you as such
One small moment in time, I'm not asking too much
I can't wait forever, I can't help the rush

Yes small little moments, and I want a night
For us to be free, for us to shine bright
Somewhere that's hidden, that's far out of sight
Where we can be lovers from darkness to light

To just live a day in the life we can't glean
To see what we're made of, to see what "we" mean
Discover this comet that we have both seen
To give explanation of feelings so keen

In the mean time I sit here, silent and still
With all of this yearning that you can't fulfill
To just see your smile would be such a thrill
So tickled inside, outside I show nil

For we must both bury our feelings inside
This lust we can't show, cravings we must hide
At the end of the rope of the knot that was tied
Attraction breaks forth as our paths coincide

Now I'll wait for you, to see your advance
To find out what moves you, to share in your dance
Despite our impediment, I will take a chance
To be here with you in this cryptic romance

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Two tears hit this page, one here and one there
But where did they come from, appear from thin air?
The joy and the longing, they join hand in hand
Make melodious music, like a string quartet band
My heart has been racing, to pound through my chest
It beats harder for you, forget all the rest
Emotions are stirring, disrupting my head
Complete loss of breath for those words I’ve not said
I feel it so strongly, it throbs from within
Consumed by the passion, and want for the sin
The lure of your mind, comfort in your strength
To feel your warm touch, I’d go any length
So enamored, so happy, I'm dreaming of you
I miss you so much, I need you here soon...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fool Me Twice

My heart has been shattered
My feelings a wreck
When I learned your deceit
It snapped my soul’s neck
It used to be us
With such strength and honor
Now when we fuck
Do you long to be on HER?
How could you do it?
Not once, but twice?
You say I should trust you
But you told me lies
You say they’re not lies
But you hid the truth
You did something deceitful
Did something uncouth
You did something that hurt me
Both now and back then
Knowing how much it hurt me
Why did you do it AGAIN?
I used to trust you
You made me feel safe
Now I’m doubting myself
And I’m losing my faith
My man, my protector
The one with my heart
Abandoned and hurt me
Now I’m falling apart
You get mad and yell
And throw things in my face
Retreat like a coward
Leave me in disgrace
You just don’t respect me
As shown by your actions
My tears, hurt, and anger
Are natural reactions
If I did unto you
As you’ve done unto me
You’d be much more angry
You’ll have to agree
I used to feel comfort
Beside you in bed
Now I lay awake and wonder
If she’s in your head
Or maybe not her
That plays in your dreams
But some other girl
With whom your mind schemes
My blood slowly boils
My heart beats too fast
We were going to be married
But that did not last
We called off the wedding
The reasons abound
But mention of other girls
Did not make a sound
I can’t even describe
How hurt that I feel
Spend every day praying
That it just isn’t real

You no longer want me
As your partner, your wife
I’m not the only woman
That you want in your life
How could I be so foolish?
To fall for your charm?
Thought you’d make my life better
Not cause me such harm
You do some great things
Then others are bad
You make me so happy
Then you make me so sad

I wish that you'd love me 
Till death do us part
As your one and only
Not one little part.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Inglorious Bastard

I can't express this need
to fix the pain I feel
so awfully iridescent
this spite which turns to real

neglectful and determined
to undermine my heart
while laughing and presenting
much different from the start

revenge would be so useless
to the everlasting goal
but this void need be determined
someone come to fill the hole

please come with disposition
to alleviate this need
erase the blinded hunger
on which hell hath me feed

come carry me contentment
pour the blood back in my veins
free me from this torment
rid of sullen heartache pains

though bright days line with silver
the spoon that feeds me life
this ever-present omniscience
rules by way of gun and knife

alas the word's not spoken
conflict seems the end result
although he'll cause the problems
it never is his fault.