Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Wolf

The wolf in sheep’s clothing
He covers your eyes
In front of your face
Yet still in disguise
He forgets HIS past
And still tells you lies
You hope that he’s truthful
Yet you still surmise
But when the truth hits hard
You act with surprise      

All the while knowing

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


The sparkling radiance that once shone so bright
Be now forever taken from grasp and sight
Nothing in the present can bring back the hour
The splendor of our love, the glory in the flower
Soothing thoughts in your mind bloom like spring
Out of my anguish and human suffering
Beyond the red and the black and the blue
What you've stolen from me wasn't given to you
More and more with each day I've cried
The flower has faded, wilted and died
To the face that's looked through death of years
Deliver relief from harsh torment and tears
Can't help but grieve, yet I must try to find
Strength in the remnant of what's left behind
Like the last single seed falling flat on the ground
To then grow and flourish, create new life abound

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Closing Up Shop

to rid the stark pain
true feelings must go
before I’m insane
fast love must turn slow

emotions once glistened
now pushed into dark
if he’d ever listened
I’d not have this mark

my heart needs to harden
from flesh turn to stone
like drought to a garden
a whimpering moan

when numbness takes over
the pain will be gone
dried leafs on a clover
reality’s spawn

when numb to the hurt
go numb to great joy
take a chance it’ll work
not destroyed by this boy

wish i did not love
with all of my heart
choked by the glove
wish i never did start

without true emotion
i could walk away
without true devotion
there’d be no other day

to deal with the fighting
I’m at my wits end
in which he’s delighting
i’ve lost my best friend

the care and compassion
that thrives in my veins
takes on in bad fashion
what’s left that remains
  in this game no one gains
    pull tight on the reigns
      crash and burn like airplanes
        his mouth unusually feigns 
          like some old shitty Hanes
            stomped on with maryjanes
              soon get over these pains
                like bleach on blood stains
                  heart now strongly contains

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Perfect Crime

Lets commit the perfect crime
I'll steal your heart, and you'll steal mine...

It seems that crime was already committed
Can forbidden lust of two souls be swiftly acquitted?

From here we vow to just let go
What could have been, we'll never know.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I have so many thoughts that I want to express
It's like wearing a straight-jacket when you want to undress
Creating confusion, emotions a mess
Holding it in and producing duress

Then there's the need to feel your warm touch
To hug you and kiss you and hold you as such
One small moment in time, I'm not asking too much
I can't wait forever, I can't help the rush

Yes small little moments, and I want a night
For us to be free, for us to shine bright
Somewhere that's hidden, that's far out of sight
Where we can be lovers from darkness to light

To just live a day in the life we can't glean
To see what we're made of, to see what "we" mean
Discover this comet that we have both seen
To give explanation of feelings so keen

In the mean time I sit here, silent and still
With all of this yearning that you can't fulfill
To just see your smile would be such a thrill
So tickled inside, outside I show nil

For we must both bury our feelings inside
This lust we can't show, cravings we must hide
At the end of the rope of the knot that was tied
Attraction breaks forth as our paths coincide

Now I'll wait for you, to see your advance
To find out what moves you, to share in your dance
Despite our impediment, I will take a chance
To be here with you in this cryptic romance

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Two tears hit this page, one here and one there
But where did they come from, appear from thin air?
The joy and the longing, they join hand in hand
Make melodious music, like a string quartet band
My heart has been racing, to pound through my chest
It beats harder for you, forget all the rest
Emotions are stirring, disrupting my head
Complete loss of breath for those words I’ve not said
I feel it so strongly, it throbs from within
Consumed by the passion, and want for the sin
The lure of your mind, comfort in your strength
To feel your warm touch, I’d go any length
So enamored, so happy, I'm dreaming of you
I miss you so much, I need you here soon...